Monday, October 3, 2011


Last week as I was pulling out my fall decorations, I realized that I have next to NO cute fall decorations!  This is, I decided to start fixing that problem....starting with these super cute, fun, and cheap pumpkins.

To start, you buy a 4x4 from any hardware store.  You can choose the size you want your pieces cut, but I had my handy-dandy husband cut my small pieces 7" long, and my longer pieces 14" long.  Again, you can choose different sizes, but I chose to use 2 pieces for the small pumpkin and 3 pieces for the large pumpkin.  

Once I had my pieces cut, I spray painted them with an orange spray paint.  After my spray paint dried, I added stain to each piece to add a "weathered" feel.  

Once the stain and paint were both dry, I used liquid nails to glue the pieces seriously hurt me to wait for them to dry, but I did.  :)  

While those were drying, I had my husband cut me two pieces off of a broken limb from a tree in our back yard.  

Once the 4x4's were dry, I super glued the sticks onto the pumpkins and added bows and wiring that I had wrapped around a pen to create a curly effect. 

And...finally, I have started a collection of super cute fall decorations.  :) These were super fun to make, and they only cost about $10.  I'm in love.